As the first Telegram update of the year, the new piece of content introduces no less than 10 major features. With the new profile pictures maker, Telegram users will be able to turn stickers or animated emoji into a profile picture that can be used for accounts, groups, and even channels. The new feature is not locked behind the Premium subscription, so everyone can use it once they updated to the latest version of Telegram.Another premiere for Telegram is the ability to translate entire chats, groups and channels in real time. The Translate bar at the top of the app will make this complex task a breeze. You can even hide the bar and control which languages are translated. The bad news is you have to pay for Premium to be able to use real-time chat translation.
For those who are obsessed by data, the update makes it possible to see how much data has been used by the app with detailed pie charts for both mobile data and Wi-Fi. You can even adjust the auto-download settings the way you want.
There’s also a new menu from where Telegram users can control when media is saved automatically to the gallery based on size, type and which chat it was received from. Additionally, the menu makes it possible to filter your media by using exceptions.
Telegram has so many emoji that more often than not it’s hard to find what you want. The latest update introduces emoji categories in the panel. You can also hold any emoji to zoom in to get a better look at it before sending.