Sony Ericsson W600 User Reviews

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read


Edited: Jan 02, 2009, 3:03 AM

Phone owned for

I had the Sony Ericsson w600i for 2 years, and  it is quite drop resistant. the outside doesnt get damaged, but the inside can.
It does have a speaker phone ^)^ the specs said it didn't,
it can also record calls (but it makes a beeping noise).
its a cool phone, and is kinda funny to watch people go: :????????   when they ask to use your phone.
The buttons are annoying at front
there is a button that opens internet, and one that opens media player.
side buttons can also open the media player..... sometimes my media player would randomly turn on.
Once the phone opened and called my sister, then put her on speaker phone during math.... so that can be annoying, (in other words, the phone lock kinda sucks). Camera is horrible. dont even try to take pictures with it.
one good thing about this phone I could always rely on was the sound.  While sound may not be highest quality, it can get LOUD.   like the alarm can be heard from downstairs while eating breakfast, that type of loud.
no way to expand memory =(.
I love the phone though. I have the Samsung Eternity now, and it feels so much more fragile and breakable than this phone. This phone can take a fall =p.
