If you've been reading our previous posts about Pokemon GO you should be aware that Niantic plans to add a catch bonus for Pokemon. The latest update introduces just that, so trainers can earn a catch bonus for a Pokemon type as they successfully hunt more of a specific type.
The developers have done some tweaking as well, especially to the egg and incubator screens, so they will periodically update the distance walked without the Trainer needing to close and reopen the screen.Another major new improvement included in the latest update is the number of Pokemon you can now train at the Gym. Basically, you can now bring up to six Pokemon to battle at friendly Gyms. Also, you can now temporarily downgrade the CP of the Pokemon you are fighting against during your training session.
According to the official changelog, the developers fixed several audio issues and decreased the evolution animation time. Some other minor fixes have been implemented too.Pokemon GO version 0.41.2 for Android and 1.11.2 for iOS are now in the process of being uploaded to Google Play and App Store, so they might not be available right away in all countries.