Nexus Root Toolkit adds Android 4.3 support, roots your Nexus with ease

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read

In reality, rooting an Android device isn't that hard of a task given the number of tutorials one can find with a little searching on the internet. But nevertheless, we're glad that tools like the Nexus Root Toolkit exist, simplifying the process enough so that even a newbie can pull it off. 

This handy piece of software, which now supports Android 4.3 and the 2013 edition of the Google Nexus 7 tablet after its latest update, can be used to root a Nexus device the easy way. It is smart enough to download all the files it needs to perform the hack and then can bring the device back to its stock form in case that is ever required. But that's not all. The Nexus Root Toolkit also features a backup tool, which saves all your data just in case something goes wrong during the user's hacking endeavours. Also, it can flash ZIM files, install applications, modify file permissions, and much more. 

The Nexus Root Toolkit is available free of charge, although donations will be appreciated. Just keep in mind that it is made to work with Nexus-branded smartphones and tablets only, as the name suggests. 

Nexus Root Toolkit now supports Android 4.3, 2013 Nexus 7 tablet
