Things that are NOT allowed:
- Off-topic talk - you must stick to the subject of discussion
- Trolling - see a description
- Flame wars
- Offensive, hate speech - if you want to say something, say it politely
- Spam/Advertisements - these posts are deleted
- Multiple accounts - one person can have only one account
- Impersonations and offensive nicknames - these accounts get banned
Moderation is done by humans. We try to be as objective as possible and moderate with zero bias. If you think a post should be moderated - please, report it.
Have a question about the rules or why you have been moderated/limited/banned? Please, contact us.ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7sbTOp5yaqpWjrm%2BvzqZmp52nqHyPsdZmhaijmZZ6j3nSnqminaNitaK6w6ycrZeZmYR4gw%3D%3D