But what happens when you are literally in love with a certain icon pack, yet another one has a killer icon that is simply too beautiful to ignore? Well, normally, this would mean that you'll have to choose between one or the other. Thankfully, making compromises is no longer needed.Meet Icondy, a new tool that allows you to merge different icon packs for Android into one. Put as simply as possible, the app allows you to skin certain apps with icons from one icon pack, while others get skinned with another one. Nifty, right?You can do so with as many icon packs you have installed on your device, but have in mind that you'll still need a third-party launcher. Truth be said, you're certainly rocking one if you're familiar with the way Android icon packs normally work.You can grab Icondy straight from the Play Store for free right now, but the free version of the app limits you to using only 2 icon packs (you'll need the paid version if you want to create. After you do so, why not go through some of our recent icon pack and launcher collections?
Download: Icondy | Icondy Pro
via: XDA