Do you really want an AI powered Phone? Because apps are kind of cool

May 2024 ยท 7 minute read
We're all witnessing a change in an era. AI is now the hot trend, and it's quickly gaining abilities. The newest models can now generate made-up videos and photos, write music, organize trips... how far will it go?

Let's think about the future of phones and apps for a second. What if AI gets so big that you no longer need a home screen and apps on your phone? What if you just get a prompt screen where you can type or talk to AI and it just does everything? And the way smart homes are made, this can even grow to surround the entirety of your life...

Do we want the phones as they are now? Or do we want them gone and replaced by an AI-driven phone?

Having an AI-driven phone rocks (most of the time!)

Here's why it's cool

Here's why it basically sucks

Current gen phones and their app environment kind of rocks (most of the time)

Here's why it's cool

Here's why it basically sucks

Here's what makes or breaks AI phones

Who's side are you on?

The list of pros and cons for both sides is definitely not exhaustive. Maybe you have another take than what I expressed here, or you resonate with one of the sides strongly.

Are you one of the people who just can't wait to try an AI-driven phone? Or do you want this AI bonanza to be over already and just have the AI as an app on your phone? Share your thoughts and let's see who's side will be on the right side of history!

As for myself, I'm very tempted to let AI do everything I'm doing on my phone. But I am also of the mistrustful type that doesn't allow for unnecessary cookies, has a Signal account because of fear that WhatsApp could be stealing data, and limits apps' access to my entire gallery of photos all the time. So yep, maybe I'll side with the people who like the phone as is. What about you?

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Izzy, a tech enthusiast and a key part of the PhoneArena team, specializes in delivering the latest mobile tech news and finding the best tech deals. Her interests extend to cybersecurity, phone design innovations, and camera capabilities. Outside her professional life, Izzy, a literature master's degree holder, enjoys reading, painting, and learning languages. She's also a personal growth advocate, believing in the power of experience and gratitude. Whether it's walking her Chihuahua or singing her heart out, Izzy embraces life with passion and curiosity.
